Category: polls

Okay, so this is what happens when I don’t get enough sleep the night before and don’t have any major “ah ha” moments during the day. I ened up taking silly random quizzes on the Internet and posting the results.

Now, to be honest, I usually have a tendency to try to find the most sordid, potentially TMI tests possible. However, tonight, I decided to keep things fairly tame by taking the following quizzes:

What age do you act? (My actual age, by the way, is 25.)

You Act Like You Are 15 Years Old

You are a teenager at heart. You don’t quite feel like a grown up yet, but you don’t feel like a kid.
You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

You’re quite rebellious, and you don’t like being told what to do. You like to do things your way.
You have your own unique style, taste in music, and outlook on life.

Do you follow your head or your heart?

You Follow Your Heart

You’re romantic, sentimental, and emotional.
You tend to fall in (and out of) love very quickly.
Some may call you fickle, but you can’t help where your emotions take you.
You’ve definitely broken a few hearts, but you’re not a heartbreaker by nature.
Your intentions are always good, even if they change with the wind

What personality disorder are you? (To be honest, a better question would probably be which personality disorder aren’t I?)

You May Be a Bit Borderline…

Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame!
When you’re up, you’re a little bit crazy…
And when you’re down, your whole world is crashing
Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute!

Are you a feminist?

You Are 91% Feminist

You are a total feminist. This doesn’t mean you’re a man hater (in fact, you may be a man).
You just think that men and women should be treated equally. It’s a simple idea but somehow complicated for the world to put into action.

How Irish are you? (The technical answer, by the way, would be that I’m a fourth Irish. I’m also a fourth Italian, a fourth German, and a fourth Basque. Of course, most people would probably just say I’m a country girl from Texas.)

You’re 80% Irish

Congratulations, you’re a shining example of an Irish lass (or lad).
There’s hardly anyone more Irish than you!

How cluttered is your mind? (Very cluttered, I imagine.)

Your Mind is 86% Cluttered

Your mind is incredibly cluttered. You have so much going on in there, it’s hard to think straight.
Consider talking to a therapist. It’s a good idea to sort through your thoughts, if only to see which ones are worth hanging on to.

Hopefully, I’ll have an ah ha moment tomorrow because I’m not sure how many more of these quizzes I can take before I start taking them way too seriously.

If, like me, you watched the Bachelorette finale tonight, you saw Ali break Chris’s heart and chose Roberto as the alleged love her life.  Personally, I think she made a mistake but it doesn’t really matter as 1) Ali is still in love with Frank (and being just a little bit obvious about it too, I might add) and 2) this is a Bachelorette engagement which means that it’s all going to end with a bunch of articles in the type of magazines that I always end up reading whenever I’m waiting to see my doctor.

Now that the artificial love and prepackaged romance of the Bachelorette is over with, here comes the fun part.  How long until the perfect couple reveals just how imperfect they actually are?  How long before Ali and Roberto go the way of Jake and Vienna?

Me, I’m voting for 1 month.